DWSDK Python Windows Environment Configuration

Project Configuration

The Python Windows SDK wheel only supports Windows environments.

You need to install Python 3.10 first.

If you have already installed Python, you can check your version with the following command:

python3 --version

Please note that the installation package is divided into Enterprise Edition and Industrial Edition. Please download the SDK version corresponding to the one you are using to ensure proper functionality.

Based on your Python version, download the .whl file for version from the Download Center.

Alternatively, you can download it from Baidu Netdisk at https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gE2QuiVTaaMrVMAzVtRo2g?pwd=g4un with the extraction code: g4un.

Use the following command to install the wheel file:

pip install {wheel_file}.whl

Your DaoAI Python Windows SDK module will be installed.

You can import the module using the following command:

import dlsdk.dlsdk as dlsdk

You need a valid DaoAI license to use the SDK properly. If you do not have a license, please refer to Software License.

Example Project

You can refer to the Python Windows Code Example we provide.