DaoAI Unsupervised Defect Detection SDK
The DaoAI Unsupervised Defect Detection SDK provides a comprehensive set of tools to help users load pretrained models for inference or train custom models using user-provided image data for defect detection.
DaoAI Unsupervised Defect Detection SDK is only available in C++
You can also explore our GitHub repository, which contains the C++ example for unsupervised defect segmentation.
Link: DaoAI World SDK Demo <https://github.com/DaoAI-Robotics-Inc/DaoAI-World-SDK-Desktop-Demo>_
Installation and Preparation
Before using the SDK, ensure you have downloaded and installed the necessary packages:
Download the DaoAI World SDK, and find the installation package ZIP file for in the Unsupervised Defect Segmentation SDK directory.
Feature Overview
Load Pretrained Models for Inference (see main2 function) Using pretrained models downloaded from the DaoAI World platform, the SDK can perform the following:
Supports pixel-level and image-level inference.
Provides inference results, including anomaly scores and annotations.
Train Custom Models for Inference (see main function) Users can train a pixel-level or image-level defect detection model by providing good and bad sample data.
Usage Guide
The following code demonstrates how to load a pretrained model downloaded from the DaoAI World platform and use it for image inference. The code components are explained in detail below:
First Part: Loading Pretrained Models for Inference
The following code shows how to load a pretrained model and perform inference on an image:
#include <dlsdk/utils.h>
#include <dlsdk/model.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace DaoAI::DeepLearning;
int main()
try {
// Initialize Unsupervised library
// Configure the model and data path
std::string root_directory = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/"; // Change to your own directory
// Construct the model on the specified device
Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentation model(DeviceType::GPU);
model.addComponentArchive(root_directory + "unsup_img_whole.dwm");
std::cout << model.getBatchSize() << std::endl;
// Set batch size
std::string img_path = root_directory + "unsup_img_whole (1).png"; // Change to your own directory
Image img(img_path);
Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentationResult result = model.inference(img);
// Print the result
std::cout << "Anomaly score: " << result.confidence << std::endl;
std::cout << "JSON result: " << result.toAnnotationJSONString() << "\n\n";
// Save the result to a file
std::string file_path = root_directory + "output.json";
std::ofstream output_file(file_path);
if (output_file.is_open()) {
output_file << result.toAnnotationJSONString();
std::cout << "JSON result saved to: " << file_path << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "Failed to open the file: " << file_path << std::endl;
return 0;
catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "Caught an exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
Code Explanation
Initialize the Unsupervised Library
Function: Initializes the Unsupervised library to prepare for model loading and inference operations.
Configure Model and Data Paths
std::string root_directory = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/";
Function: Sets the root directory path for the model and image files. Modify as needed.
Load Pretrained Model
Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentation model(DeviceType::GPU); model.addComponentArchive(root_directory + "unsup_img_whole.dwm");
Function: Loads the pretrained model component and supports GPU devices for enhanced inference performance.
Set Batch Size
Function: Sets the batch size for model inference. Here, it is set to 1.
Load Input Image
std::string img_path = root_directory + "unsup_img_whole (1).png"; Image img(img_path);
Function: Loads the image file for inference.
Perform Inference and Output Results
Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentationResult result = model.inference(img); std::cout << "Anomaly score: " << result.confidence << std::endl; std::cout << "JSON result: " << result.toAnnotationJSONString() << "\n\n";
Function: Performs inference on the image and outputs the anomaly score and results in JSON format.
Save Inference Results
std::ofstream output_file(file_path); if (output_file.is_open()) { output_file << result.toAnnotationJSONString(); output_file.close(); std::cout << "JSON result saved to: " << file_path << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Failed to open the file: " << file_path << std::endl; }
Function: Saves the inference results as a JSON file for further analysis.
Exception Handling
catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught an exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return -1; }
Function: Catches any exceptions and outputs error messages.
Part 2: Self-training the Model and Inference
The following code demonstrates how to use the user's provided sample data to self-train a model and perform inference:
#include <dlsdk/utils.h>
#include <dlsdk/model.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace DaoAI::DeepLearning;
int main()
try {
// Initialize Unsupervised library
// Configure the model and data path
std::string root_directory = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/"; // Change to your own directory
std::string data_path = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/ano/"; // Change to your own data directory
// Load images
std::vector<Image> good_images;
for (auto& file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(data_path + "good"))
if (file.path().extension() == ".png")
std::vector<Image> bad_images;
std::vector<Image> masks;
for (auto& file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(data_path + "bad"))
if (file.path().extension() == ".png")
Image image(file.path().string());
// Create a binary mask
cv::Mat maskMat = cv::Mat::zeros(image.height, image.width, CV_8UC1);
int centerX = image.width / 2;
int centerY = image.height / 2;
int radius = static_cast<int>(image.width * 0.25);
cv::circle(maskMat, cv::Point(centerX, centerY), radius, cv::Scalar(255), -1);
Image mask(maskMat.rows, maskMat.cols, DaoAI::Unsupervised::Image::Type::GRAYSCALE, maskMat.data);
// Construct the model
Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentation model(DeviceType::GPU);
ComponentMemory component;
component = model.createComponentMemory("screw", good_images, bad_images, masks, true);
component.save(data_path + "component_1.pth");
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentationResult result = model.inference(bad_images[0]);
std::cout << "Anomaly score: " << result.confidence << std::endl;
std::cout << "JSON result: " << result.toAnnotationJSONString() << "\n";
return 0;
catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "Caught an exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
Code Function: The code uses the user's provided sample data to train the model and perform inference using the trained model.
Code Explanation
Initialize Unsupervised Library
Function: Similar to before, this initializes the Unsupervised library.
Set Model and Data Paths
std::string root_directory = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/"; std::string data_path = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/ano/";
Function: Sets the paths where the model files and sample data are stored.
Load “Good” Sample Images
for (auto& file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(data_path + "good")) { if (file.path().extension() == ".png") { good_images.push_back(Image(file.path().string())); } }
Function: Loads the "good" sample images into memory for model training.
Load “Bad” Sample Images and Masks
for (auto& file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(data_path + "bad")) { if (file.path().extension() == ".png") { Image image(file.path().string()); bad_images.push_back(image); // Create a binary mask cv::Mat maskMat = cv::Mat::zeros(image.height, image.width, CV_8UC1); int centerX = image.width / 2; int centerY = image.height / 2; int radius = static_cast<int>(image.width * 0.25); cv::circle(maskMat, cv::Point(centerX, centerY), radius, cv::Scalar(255), -1); Image mask(maskMat.rows, maskMat.cols, DaoAI::Unsupervised::Image::Type::GRAYSCALE, maskMat.data); masks.push_back(mask.clone()); } }
Function: Loads the "bad" sample images and generates corresponding binary masks for the training process.
Construct and Train the Model
ComponentMemory component = model.createComponentMemory("screw", good_images, bad_images, masks, true); component.save(data_path + "component_1.pth");
Function: Trains the model using the provided sample data and saves the trained model component.
The true argument at the end indicates that the model will be loaded into memory after training. If set to false, the model will not be loaded into memory, and addComponentMemory(file_path) will be needed to load the trained model for inference.
Inference and Output Results
Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentationResult result = model.inference(bad_images[0]); std::cout << "Anomaly score: " << result.confidence << std::endl; std::cout << "JSON result: " << result.toAnnotationJSONString() << "\n";
Function: Performs inference using the trained model on a test image and outputs the anomaly score and the result in JSON format.
Exception Handling
catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Caught an exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return -1; }
Function: Catches any exceptions that may occur and prints the error message.
Using DaoAI’s unsupervised defect detection SDK, users can easily load pre-trained models for efficient inference or train their own models using custom data to meet specific needs.