C++ Inference Client Example Project
This chapter provides a detailed introduction to the C++ Inference Client code examples included in the DaoAI World SDK.
Importing Libraries
In the C++ examples, the following headers are used:
#include <iostream>
#include <inference_client/model.h>
#include <inference_client/common.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
Reading Images
The C++ Inference Client's model inference function requires images to be represented as a 64-bit encoded image (base64_encoded_image). You can use OpenCV library functions for conversion or an online tool like Base64 Guru.
First, define the file path. The file format is a text file containing the 64-bit encoded image, which can then be read as follows:
// Image path in the local file system
std::string image_path = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/kp.txt";
std::string base64_encoded_image;
std::ifstream fin(image_path);
if (!fin.is_open())
std::cerr << "Failed to open file: " << image_path << "\n";
return 1;
fin >> base64_encoded_image;
You can also use the OpenCV library to read and encode images into base64 format:
std::string base64ImageEncoding(const Image& image)
cv::Mat cv_mat = Utils::image2cv(image);
std::vector<uchar> buffer;
cv::imencode(".png", cv_mat, buffer);
std::string buffer_string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer.data()), buffer.size());
std::string base64_string = base64Encode(buffer_string);
return base64_string;
Image base64ImageDecoding(const std::string& base64String)
std::string buffer_string = base64Decode(base64String);
std::vector<uchar> buffer(buffer_string.begin(), buffer_string.end());
cv::Mat cv_mat = cv::imdecode(buffer, cv::IMREAD_ANYCOLOR);
if (cv_mat.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to decode image");
switch (cv_mat.channels())
case 1:
return Utils::cv2image(cv_mat, Image::Type::GRAYSCALE).clone();
case 3:
return Utils::cv2image(cv_mat, Image::Type::BGR).clone();
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported number of channels");
Loading a Deep Learning Model
DaoAI World models are typically in the .dwm
format. Create a DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::KeypointDetection
object and use the constructor method to load the model file.
// Model path in the local file system
std::string model_path = "C:/Users/daoai/test_vision/kp.dwm";
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::KeypointDetection model(model_path);
Each detection task corresponds to a specific model object:
// Instance Segmentation
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::InstanceSegmentation model(model_path);
// Keypoint Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::KeypointDetection model(model_path);
// Image Classification
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::Classification model(model_path);
// Object Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::ObjectDetection model(model_path);
// Unsupervised Defect Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentation model(model_path);
// Supervised Defect Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::SupervisedDefectSegmentation model(model_path);
// OCR
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::OCR model(model_path);
// Positioning Model (Industrial version only)
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::Positioning model(model_path);
// Presence Checking (Industrial version only)
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::PresenceChecking model(model_path);
Loading an incorrect model type will throw an error, indicating the correct model object to use.
Performing Inference
// Get inference results
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::KeypointDetectionResult result = model.inference(base64_encoded_image);
Each detection task returns a specific result object:
// Instance Segmentation
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::InstanceSegmentationResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Keypoint Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::KeypointDetectionResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Image Classification
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::ClassificationResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Object Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::ObjectDetectionResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Anomaly Detection (used for version .6 and earlier; renamed to Unsupervised Defect Detection after version .7)
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::AnomalyDetectionResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Semantic Segmentation (used for version .6 and earlier; renamed to Supervised Defect Detection after version .7)
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::SemanticSegmentationResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Unsupervised Defect Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::UnsupervisedDefectSegmentationResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Supervised Defect Detection
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::SupervisedDefectSegmentationResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::OCRResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Positioning Model (available only in the industrial version)
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::PositioningResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
// Presence Checking (available only in the industrial version)
DaoAI::DeepLearning::Vision::PresenceCheckingResult prediction = model.inference(daoai_image);
Example Inference Result
The following is an example result from a Keypoint Detection model inference. It displays the label name, confidence, bounding box, keypoints, and polygon masks.
std::cout << result.num_detections << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < result.num_detections; ++i)
std::cout << "Object " << std::to_string(i + 1) << "\n";
std::cout << "Class: " << result.class_labels[i] << "\n";
std::cout << "Bounding box: " << result.boxes[i].x1() << " " << result.boxes[i].y1() << " "
<< result.boxes[i].x2() << " " << result.boxes[i].y2() << "\n";
std::cout << "Confidence: " << result.confidences[i] << "\n";
std::cout << "Keypoints: \n";
for (int j = 0; j < result.keypoints[i].size(); ++j)
std::cout << result.keypoints[i][j].x << " " << result.keypoints[i][j].y << " "
<< result.keypoints[i][j].confidence << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";